Saw this on KCB's blog so... hmm...
I was wondering what my IQ was and being me I could not
resist to do it myself...
FYI I did not use google to search for the english words nor to solve
any of the mathematical questions - I say this becoz I know keebs will
think of me that way... stupid keebs!
And here is my results:
Fuah luckily higher than KCB - haha :P
Here is some of the detailed report of my test.
Great Jobs For You
Because of the way you process information, these are just some of the many careers in which you could excel:
Scientist, Mathematician, Accountant, Data Analyst, Musician, Astronomer, Researcher, Physicist
Knn I knew I was in the wrong line! Patut lah I look like a kangaroo answering phones!
Some of Your Greatest Talents
You've got tons of strengths. It wouldn't surprise us if you:
Are resourceful, Are detail oriented, Are highly efficient & economical, Are lightening quick with responses, Think in numbers, Are experimental
Resourceful - Alvino pinjam 50 cents, want to buy coffee
Detail Oriented - Like robot, "Thank you for calling Hell, my name is robot"
Highly Efficient & ecnonomical - Can sleep 12HR non stop, sleep no need eat save $$$ liao mah :D
Lightning quick with responses - Keebs says "Lu si peh...", Alvino says, "Kiong kan" even before Keebs is able to finish :)
Think in numbers - Cust says, "My computer is dead. What should I do?" Alvino says, "11001001, 10110111"
eXperimental - Always trying to improve the techniques of Kamasutra?
Having said all that please do your own IQ test and let me know your results.
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