Juz a normal guy in this whacky world... Striving to have a "normal" if there is one in this world...

Monday, April 26, 2010

Long Absence - Work

Hi y'all

Sorry for the long period of absence from updating my blog. Life in a whole has taken too much out of me to even blog about it.

Work has been... hmm... "work". Being in a new team, having to support new products and technologies that I don't know is just amazing yet tiring. Everyday seems to be a challenge because I don't know what I'm supporting :P Though I was sent for training its just not enough. I am lacking of the experience that my seniors have and I need them badly. I am still struggling though in this 6 months I think I have picked up a lot of the basic stuff that is required to perform my daily tasks. Not an expert yet but I guess I am quite happy with where I am. Someone with very little knowledge on storage arrays and zero knowledge on unix, file systems and storage manager, I think I have learnt a lot.

Taking this opportunity to thank my seniors, local and abroad. Namely uncle Alexey :P, Robert, Ken, Tony, SP, Charles and CL. Without them I would not have picked up on this so fast. Statement that shows teamwork is awesome!


maggielurva 愛美姬 said...

睽違兩年,2V1G 最新專輯就將發了, 請去 poppopmusic.blogspot.com 試聽!~

2v1g's new album will be out soon. check out poppopmusic.blogspot.com

just sharing, don't mean to spam ;-)